

  1. A university is considering establishing a new requirement for graduation in addition to its normal requirements about completing the coursework: all students must attend a course on public speaking to develop skills that will be useful in speaking in front of large groups of people. Do you agree or disagree that a public speaking course should be a requirement for all of the university’s students? Why?


    1. 公共演讲contribute to relationship:1. 增大朋友圈; 2. 增加与教授交流的机会;
    2. a. 能学到更多知识; b. 学生更有兴趣
  2. Sometimes people wish to be more confident—for example, they may want to express their opinions more frequently in meetings at work, or they may want to contribute more to class discussions at school. Which ONE of the following actions do you think would best help to increase confidence in these types of work or school situations? Why? -Spending more time preparing for class discussions at school or meetings at work -Learning about and practicing techniques to help you become more confident -Finding a more experienced person who can give advice about how to handle these situations


    1. 准备内容

    a. 收集资料 当有更多的时间去准备,人们可以在搜索引擎上搜集信息,还可以去图书馆翻阅书籍,查阅报刊等获得更多资料

    b. 询问他人 如果有更多的时间做准备,人们可以询问朋友,家人甚至是专家来做充足的准备

    1. 准备表演

    a. 反复表达 当一个人有更多的时间做准备时,他们会反复练习发音,反复朗诵,提高表达流畅度

    b. 查阅技巧 如果有更多的时间做准备,他们可以去学习演讲技巧,比如眼神沟通、肢体语言,从而变得更加自信

  3. If you need to take a course, which professor’s course would you like to take? 1、a professor who was voted the most popular 2、a professor who has just won an award for an outstanding research


    1. 对学习成绩好

    ​ a.学习更多的知识:可以学习教授擅长领域的知识,学习前沿理论

    ​ b.激发兴趣:教授会讲述更多研究的内容,引起对这个领域的兴趣,不断探索

    1. 对品质好

    ​ a.提高批判性思维能力:能够针对研究进行全面了解,提出不同见解和教授讨论,独立思考问题

    ​ b.像教授学习创新精神:学习教授的钻研和创新精神,大胆提问,大胆质疑,增强自己的创新能力

  4. A city is trying to decide what to do with a large building that has become available in order to make it useful for city residents. Which ONE of the following solutions would you recommend? Why? —Develop the building into housing for people who have low incomes —Develop the building into a modern shopping and entertainment center —Tear down the building and develop a park on the land

  5. Young people today are more likely to help others than young people were in the past.



    ​ a.具备知识:更多的年轻人上了大学,有先进的理念,宽广的见识,可以改变世界

    ​ b.具备技能品质:年轻人更诚实,热爱劳动,追求美好的事物,改变世界


    ​ a.借助网络平台:(随时随地知道世界大事)任何时间任何地点都知道世界最新的消息

    ​ b.交通便利:以前花费几天的时去往另一个城市或国家,现在几个小时即可做到